Sorry, but this first entry is going to have to be a bit mushy, but hey, I'm a sensitive guy.
I thought I'd kick this thing off with a brief photo gallery of some of the people and pets I am leaving behind in about a month. I hope you all know that I love you very much, and I thank you so much for your love and support. Knowing that I am missing out on so much at home will make me work my butt off to really accomplish something great while I am away.Just a couple of statistics to throw at you (any of you UNC EEs have already heard this at least a million times): Roughly 2 billion people lack access to adequate sanitation and over 1 billion lack access to improved drinking water worldwide, and that is assuming the most basic definitions of 'adequate' and 'improved'. About 1.8 million people, mostly children, die from entirely preventable or easily treatable diarrhoeal diseases every year. As a water engineer with some training in economics and public policy, I have the ability to help do something about this, and thus I am launching my career in international development. If this wasn't something I believed in with all my heart, it would be impossible to leave these beautiful faces...
Ms. Kayla at X-mas
Mom looking fabulous...Dave sporting the soul patch
Abby with such a long face
Roe and Mom at the X-mas pageant
Dad concentrating on his TV

Amanda and I after a few too many Jack n' Gingers
"Her name is Lucy...We aren't sure how old she is...and Yes, we know she is friggin awesome"
- Me and Amanda, repeated about 1000 times
Dave and Lauren visiting me in Carolina

Zack and my camera's cool color options
Gram, as usual, trying to avoid a picture